I've put together some great new webinars for the next couple of months. You can download our webinar schedule here and share it out widely with your colleagues. We also have a broad list of professional development opportunities from a variety of others in the broader open education community that can be found here. This is a living document that will continue to grow.
New TRAILS webinars in the coming weeks:
Good News! Yes, after requests, I have added a bit more content to that webinar and will be presenting it again. Incorporating good news into your online class, May 28th @ 1PM.
OER From the Top! Creating a Textbook Affordability initiative on your campus from an administrative and leadership perspective. Reviewing case successes and challenges as well as best practices from policy, advocacy, and marking perspectives. June 12th @ 10AM.
The Art of the Online Class Lecture: a new approach to translating the live lecture to the online environment. June 22nd @ 1PM.
More opportunities are coming soon. Sign up for these or share them with your colleagues.